Full support for Xojo Desktop projects, limited support for Xojo Web and Xojo iOS projects.Requirement: - What are the stuff that included - Feminine Running - Momo Dash No Effect - VHH walk Less Ex version - Momo Acrobatic Jump v1.8 - New Animation for Running with Bow 1.2b female - New. Or you could do it with the more verbose single-line variant: PushButton1.Animate( New (PushButton1.Left, PushButton1.Top, 100, PushButton1.Height), 0.25) Zaz Animation Pack V8.0 Professional Animations With. Dim Task As New AnimationKit.MoveTask(PushButton1) There are some directory changes for legacy ZaZ Assets between ZaZ 8.0 and ZaZ 8.0 Plus, for instance: Zaz 8.0 Zaz 8.0 Plus If youre a Modder trying to use this as a Resource and want to use for instance the Shibari Bondage items (which I am using), the file paths are all changed. Here's a simple block of code which changes a PushButton width to 100px over a quarter of a second. Animations are 100% asynchronous and will not block code execution.Beside have all of those assets a female and a male version, because their head /neck has different sizes. Some of the gags have a race-fallback and maybe equip correctly, if they are used on different races. Create your own cubic bezier timing functions. The DD assets are shared between zap and DD, also in ZAP 8plus.Animate control geometry, sprites, scroll positions, values - or anything! Subclassing makes extending Animation Kit easy.Add professional animations with as little as one line of code.No loss of precision due to animation execution time.Only animates values that have actually changed.